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时间:2020-12-20 浏览数:3050


 New Year message


金鸡报晓、新一年开始了。。。。在这辞旧迎新的美好时刻,我谨代表天源税务师事务所、Panacea.TG 与 Tehong全体同事向各位贵人客户以及合作的朋友们,致以新年的祝福!

The rooster, the start of a new year. New Year is one of the best festivities of the year.... In this happy occasion, my family, and to the customer, dear friends, express my best wishes!




In the past, we try to verify carefully gone through 21 years of company history from the upgrading of "keeping pace with the times, finance, taxation, equity, legal, audit and other professional service products, the customer service we must seize thousands, provide value for customer service to help customers develop the purpose, don't forget to early heart, continue learning progress.


"New phase push, not stagnation." The upcoming 2017, we will face a time of national peace and order new opportunities and new challenges, we believe that the efforts to actively change the status quo, to make vows come true. 


Win belongs to that people In unison. You roll up your sleeves and go!


中国正经历着大国强大崛起的伟大时期、全球化正在渗透着每个中国家庭和中国企业,在这百年一遇的历史机遇中,天源携手Panacea.TG 与 Tehong和大家一起共筑财富梦想实现人生目标和理想。

China is experiencing globalization period, the rise of the great powers powerful are permeating each China family and Chinese enterprises, in this hundred years of historical opportunity, Tianyuan together with Tehong and Panacea.TG together to build wealth dream life goals and ideals.



New Year 2017 will surely be no different. Each of us would weave a veil of fantasy enveloping and also be anxious to know of the high tides and low tides that may affect our life in the next year.I sincerely hope that you join hands and Tianyuan, uphold the development of strong ideas, positive progress, create prosperity.



Let us full of confidence and expectations, embark on a new journey! We will be your friend in need through the thick and thin all round the year. We want you to enjoy peace and prosperity all through and live happily with good health and familial pleasures.

 No matter what you need, if it is related to the New Year, you may come back to us for suggestions.



谢谢大家Thank you .





